
Showing posts from May, 2016

Whats my motivation?

My motivation? If you are motivated solely by money you are in the wrong business! I worked 4 jobs for 12 years to ensure my family are ok and I can enjoy my martial arts guilt free and ensure there is never any money pressures at the school. I never wanted to look at students as $$$$$ For the first 6 years of me running my own school I did not see a single cent..more often than not I paid the rent out of my own pocket and even got a loan on behalf of my instructor...I did all that I could for him as a loyal student. I never want or expect that for my students and have always offered to pay. Yes I do want more students and that's not because I want more money but simply because after 34 years I love & believe in what I do! I had someone say to me the other day they have made a lot of blackbelts for Firstly you got paid and getting a black belt is all about the student not me, am I wrong? Money is important but not more important than people .. Not more importan...

Valuing Older people

 " I raised 4 kids in one room.   Today My children now have 4 houses but do not have a room for me "                                Translated the message is clear. ..more respect for our elders is needed. Have times changed the value of elders , the value of family? It's why I love the martial arts as Respect & Loyalty to family are not only taught but promoted first and foremost. I just dont' see schools teaching such values and as such the role martial arts schools play in everyday loves is becoming more &  more important

Don't let fear stand in the way of a great result

I don't  want to watch matches where fighters are so afraid to lose they avoid the fight or simply hold and stall with no plan or motivation to take the fight to them. I love it when MMA fighters or when two BJJ competitors with the potential and ability to put on a hell of a show deliver and really do amazing stuff..everyone congratulations the loser as much as the winner!  So if you are going to compete then dam well go for it!  Losses happen like it or not so let people see what you can do. It's an old cliche  but it's so true  "fortune favours the brave"....  You will create more chances and you will win the crowd and feel so much better knowing YOU gave it your all. I teach my students to believe in themselves and conquer  their every fight and in every day of their lives. There is nothing worse than choking with fear and not letting fly with your abilities; deciding your destiny and the result is so much better t...