3 Words of Success

Why KMA Martial Arts is the Best Kids activity for kids.

The Three Words of Success

Here at KMA Martial Arts, we live by three simple words –  " Yes I Can". 

Throughout all of our classes, all of our programs, and all of our interactions with our students, 
Yes I Can is at the forefront of absolutely everything that we do and everything that we teach. 
These three words are the most powerful tool that a child or an adult can use to help them accomplish their goals, to overcome any obstacle, and to face any challenge with the focus, determination, and confidence needed to succeed.

Today, we’d like to invite you into the three words of success by filling you in on what it’s all about.

Eye Contact
There are 4 parts to the Yes I Can structure to help you ensure that your child is immersed in the Yes I Can attitude. As part 1, we’d like to introduce you to Eye Contact. Now, eye contact is one of the most critical aspects of the Yes I Can attitude because it helps to verify that your child is focused. As a simple test, try to verify whether or not your child is looking you in the eyes when you speak to them.

Standing Tall
As part 2 of the 4-part structure to the Yes I Can attitude, Standing Tall represents the level of confidence that one needs to achieve their goals. While Standing Tall can relate to something both physical and mental, we always recommend that you verify the posture of your child on a daily basis. Do they stand firm, tall, and strong with good posture? If they do, then you can be sure that they’re embracing the Yes I Can attitude – both mentally and physically.

Clear Voice
For part 3 of the 4-part structure to the Yes I Can attitude, your child should always speak in a clear, confident voice. The vocalizations that we make inside the martial arts studio serve a dual purpose – not only are they a display of strength, but they help children understand how to use their voice to exude confidence. 

Big Smile
Last, but certainly not least, the final part of the 4-part structure of the Yes I Can attitude is walking out of every class session with a big smile! When your child leaves our school, we want them smiling from ear to ear – and trust us, they will be! 

How To Ensure That Your Child Maintains The Yes I Can Attitude
When life is going well, maintaining the Yes I Can attitude is easy. However, life isn’t always as smooth as we’d like it to be, which is why we’re here to show you just how to ensure that your child maintains the Yes I Can attitude each and every day – by embracing it yourself! 

Remember, you are your child’s biggest role model – and when they see you embracing the Yes I Can attitude, they’ll follow suit. 

Even during the struggles, the challenges, and all of the difficult situations that life can throw at us, maintaining the Yes I Can attitude in the eyes of your child is the key ingredient to ensure that they maintain the Yes I Can attitude themselves.



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