
Showing posts from August, 2018

Kids & School Study

I will pull my child out from martial arts to study! Wow.. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard this over the years  and its flawed on so many levels. It will give  them more time to focus ? Absolutely not! Your child is not going to study  from the moment they get home to the time they go to bed. They will not study  all weekend either. They will be less tired? Energy  builds energy. Fitter people are not only stronger they are more focused and mentally tougher. Click on the YouTube  clip and find out more..

Age is No an excuse

The power of martial  arts is just amazing ... My oldest  student to test for black was 69, now a 2nd degree we call him Super Mario and is well into his 70's. On the other end how young is too young? Mikalya appeared on national tv and there is no one more confident  and motivated tgan this young girl.. Check out the YouTube  clip where she performed  without hesitation. All children have amazing potential , all they need is the opportunity! Click on the link 5 year old Mikayla winning hearts