Amazing weekend

You may say the highlight of the weekend was our first title win,that was great but to be honest I am happier for Corey who trains so hard realising some major goals. Its all about my students realisng their potential...

For me last nights wedding of Zayed was of lifes significance.

He is a student and friend and if ever I have realised my role in the lives of my students it was last night.So many came up to me thanking me for the support and change I have made in the life of this amazing man.many parents also came up to me to say hello and thank me for helping their sons.

This group of boys were certainly wild and unfocused once upon a time,their lives have changed dramatically for has mine.

I am truly humbled and I dont think I can put into words what I am feeling or thinking today.

Life is good,life is a great responsibility with all those we come into contact with.


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